Indira Priyadarsani Gandhi was the Prime minister of India from 1966--77 and 1980--84. She was assassinated on 31st October, 1984. To pay homage to this dynamic leader, India issued this coin on 19th November, 1985. Out of the other 3 coins issued in her commemoration, the 50 paise coin was issued for general circulation and the 20 rupees and the 100 rupees coins were issued as proof specimens.

Year of issue – 1985
Weight – 12.5 grams
Metal composition – Cupro – Nickel alloy ( 75% Copper + 25% Nickel )
Shape – Circular
Diameter – 31 mm
Edge – Security
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the effigy of Indira Gandhi and legend “INDIRA GANDHI” in both Hindi and English with “1917 -1984” – her year of birth and death.
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad

Km No - # 150

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime minister of India from 1947 to 1964. To pay homage to the dynamic leader on the centenary of his birth, a 5 rupee coin was issued on 14th November 1988, to mark the beginning of the centenary year. Another coin issued for general circulation, was in the denomination of 1 rupee. The other coins issued in the denomination of 20 rupees and 100 rupees, were only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 1989
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the effigy of Pandit Nehru with a “Gandhi Cap” on his head and the legend “JAWAHARLAL NEHRU”, “CENTENARY” and “1989’, the centenary year in English and “Jawaharlal Nehru”, “Janmashati” in Hindi,
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad
Km No - # 151

NOTE: The Mumbai issue of this coin has 2 die varieties, which is found by my friend, Mr. Sekhar Kausik of New Delhi.

The International Labour Organization was established in 1919 with an aim to promote social justice and improve working and living conditions of workers throughout the world. The I.L.O. has its headquarters atGeneva (Switzerland), and has branch offices in different countries of the world. India is one of the founding-member of the I.L.O.

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the I.L.O. India issued this 5 rupees coin on 27th October,1994. The other coins issued in the denomination of 50 rupees and 100 rupees, were only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens

Year of issue – 1994
Weight – 9 grams
Metal composition – Cupro – Nickel alloy
( 75% Copper + 25% Nickel )
Shape – Circular
Diameter – 23 mm
Edge – Security
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the initials of I.L.O. encircled by a cog-wheel—signifying industrial activity, all set within two olive twigs. On the top of the central design the inscriptions ‘Shrama Jagat’ in Hindi appear at the left and ‘WORLD OF WORK’ in English at the right. The 75-year span ‘1919 – 1994’ is shown at the bottom of the design.
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 155

After the 2nd World War was over, seeing the destructions due to this war, the representatives of 50 nations met at Sanfransisco,(USA) to form an international organization, uniting nations to make the world free from war, secure in peace, held together by brotherhood, and dedicated to the social and economic betterment of mankind. Finally the United Nations was established on 24th October, 1945 at Lake Success(Newyork). India had been a member of this august body since its inception.

In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the U.N., India issued this 5 rupees coin on 26th June, 1995, for general circulation.

Year of issue – 1995
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the globe encircled by two Olive twigs – the emblem of U.N., all inset within the swing of ‘5’ in ‘50’. The year ‘1995’ appears on the top of the U.N. emblem. The inscription ‘50TH ANNIVERSARY OF UNITED NATIONS’ in English appears around the lower half and ‘Samyukta Rashtrasangha Ki 50wi Jayanti’ in Hindi appears around the upper half of the periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai, Noida
Km No - # 156

Details are the same as that of the 2 rupees, 8TH WORLD TAMIL CONFERENCE (SAINT THIRUVALLUVAR) COMMEMORATION issue.

Year of issue – 1995
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the saint poet THIRUVALLUVAR seated on a low stool in a writing position with the inscription “1995” -- the year of issue, “8TH WORLD TAMIL CONFERENCE” in English, “SAINT THIRUVALLUVAR” in both English and Hindi, “8 Wi Viswa Tamil Sammelan” in Hindi.
Minted at –Mumbai, Noida
Km No - # 158

All other specifications are same as described above.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) is a specialized Agency of United Nations Organization (U.N.O.). It was founded on 16th October, 1945 at Quebec (Canada). The objectives of F.A.O. are to improve agricultural productivity and to better the condition of rural poor, thus raising the level of nutrition and standard of living the world over. India is also one of the founding members of the F.A.O.

Since 1981, every year, the 16th October—the foundation day of the F.A.O. is celebrated by member nations throughout the world, as World Food Day. In observance of the 50th Anniversary of the F.A.O.,India brought out this 5 rupees coin for general circulation on 16th October, 1995.

Year of issue – 1995
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows a hand holding a bundle of wheat and barley, with the F.A.O. creststamped on the back of the hand. The inscription that appears around the periphery is – ‘Khadya Ebam Krushi Samgathhan’ in Hindi in the top half and ‘FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION’ in English in the bottom half. The 50-year span ‘1945-1995’ is shown below the central design.
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 157

All other specifications are same as described above.

The International Crop Science Society fosters communication among crop scientists. It nurtures the International Crop Science Congress held every four years at various locations around the world, the first (1992) being held at Ames, Iowa. These Congresses stimulate thinking among scientists as to how advances in crop science, in all their aspects, can assist in meeting the critical diverse global challenges that lie ahead. The second International Crop Science Congress was held at New Delhi (India) from 17th to24th November,1996.

In commemoration of the 2nd International Crop Science Congress held at New Delhi, India issued this 5 rupees coin in November, 1996.

Year of issue – 1996
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the globe with crop all over it, encircled by “two ears of corn” on the bottom and a “double helix structure of DNA inside the gene” on the top. The inscription “Dwitiya Antarashtriya Fashal Vignyan Congress” in Hindi is shown at the left half and “2ND INTERNATIONAL CROP SCIENCE CONGRESS” in English is shown at the right half of the periphery. “1996” – the year of issue is shown at the bottom.
Minted at – Kolkata
Km No - # 160

NOTE: This coin is one of the rarest coins issued by the Republic of India. Luckily I got one of these coins from circulation. The mintage of this coin is assumed to be about 11000.

With a view to focus and reduce the infant mortality rate in the country, the Indian government made many different campaigns. Realizing that a pregnant woman's health and diet has direct bearing on the child's health, this coin was released on the World Population Day (11th July,1996), to raise awareness among general public.

Year of issue – 1995
Rev – The central design on the reverse of this coin shows a mother with her child inside a familyplanning triangle. The inscription “MOTHER’S HEALTH IS CHILD’S HEALTH” in English is shown on the bottom half and “Swastha Ma Se Swastha Sisu” in Hindi on the top half of the periphery. “1996”- the year of issue appears below the Hindi inscription.
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 159

All other specifications are same as described above.

Jainism is an Indian religion. It prescribes a path of non-violence towards all living beings. Bhagwan Mahavir was 24th, and the last Tirthankar("spiritual teacher"). in Jainism. He was born in 599 B. C. at Kshatriyakunda (Bihar) to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. Though he was a prince, he left his home at the age of 30 to become an ascetic. He performed a severe penance for twelve and a half years and then in 558 B.C., he attained absolute enlightenment (a state of understanding ultimate truth). After this, he preached his first message for the attainment of self purification and self perfection. The same path shown by him is followed today. In the year 527 B.C. Bhagwan Mahavir attained Nirvana.

On the occasion of 2600th birth anniversary of Bhagwan Mahavir, this 5 rupees coin was issued on the on25th April, 2002. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2002
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows an eight sided polygon, symbolizing the “Structure of Universe” On the top end of this universe structure, a crescent with a dot inside and 3 dots below, symbolizes the “Siddha Shila”, an abode of infinite Siddhas (meaning one who has achieved perfection ) is shown. Below the “Siddha Shila” the holiest “Swastika” symbol is shown. At the bottom a hand, with a wheel(Dharma Chakra) on the palm, with the word "Ahimsa" (meaning non-violence) in Devnagari is shown. The words “BHAGWAN MAHAVIR : 2600 TH JANM KALYANAK” in English on the right half and in Hindi on the left half of the periphery, are inscribed. The words “Parasparopagraho Jivanam” in Sanskrit (meaning All life is bound together by mutual support and interdependence ) are shown below the central design and “2001” – the year of minting at the bottom.
Minted at – Mumbai, Noida
Km No - # 304

All other specifications are same as described above.

Dadabhai Naoroji (4th September 1825 - 30th June 1917), known as the Grand Old Man of India, was a parsi intellectual, educator, cotton trader and an early Indian political leader. He was a Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and the first Asian to be a British M.P. He is credited with the founding of the Indian National Congress along with A.O.Hume. Naoroji was a mentor to both Gopala Krishna Gokhale and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was the paternal uncle of famous industrialist J.R.D. Tata.
In commemoration of Dadabhai Naroji, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 2nd October, 2003, for general circulation.

Year of issue – 2003
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of “Dadabhai Naoroji”at the centre with the inscription “DADABHAI NAOROJI” both in Hindi and English around the periphery and “1825-1917” – his year of birth and death at the bottom.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - # 308

All other specifications are same as described above.

Kumarasami Kamaraj, better known as K. Kamaraj (15th July, 1903 – 2nd October, 1975) took active parts in India’s struggle for independence and was thrown into jail several times and spent eight years in prison. He was an Indian politician from Tamil Nadu widely acknowledged as the "Kingmaker" in Indian politics during the 1960s. He was the chief minister of Tamil Nadu during 1954-1963 and a Member of Parliament during 1952-1954 and 1969-1975. He became the president of the Congress party in 1964 and his famous “Kamaraj Plan”, led to resignation of several Chief Ministers of states and senior Congress ministers in Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet, so that they could devote their energies to revitalize the party. He was known for his simplicity and integrity. He was awarded India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, posthumously in 1976.

In commemoration of K. Kamaraj, India issued this 5 rupees coin on 27th October, 2004, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2004
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of “Kumarasami Kamaraj”, with the inscription “K.KAMARAJ” in Hindi on the top left periphery and in English on the top right periphery. “1903-1975” – his year of birth and his year of death, is shown below his image.
Minted at – Mumbai, Hyderabad
Km No - # 317

All other specifications are same as described above.

Lal Bahadur Srivastava Shastri (2nd October 1904 - 11th January 1966) was a significant figure in the Indian independence movement. He held the portfolios of Minister of Railways, Minister of Communications and later Home Minister in Nehru’s cabinet. After the death of Nehru, he became the second Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Shastri is the one who created the slogan of "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" ("Hail the soldier, Hail the farmer"). After Pakistan attacked India on the Kashmir front, Shastri took strong steps and Indian troops occupied upto Lahore(Pakistan), A cease fire was issued as a result of international pressure. Shastri went to Tashkent to hold talks with Ayub Khan and an agreement was soon signed. But in mysterious circumstances Lal Bahadur passed away in Tashkent before returning home. He was known for his honesty and humility throughout his life and was the first person to be posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1966, India's highest civilian honour.

At the conclusion of Lal Bahadur Shastri birth centenary celebrations, India issued this 5 rupees coin on4th october, 2005, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2004
Metal composition – i) Cupro – Nickel alloy (75% Copper+25% Nickel)
ii) Ferritic Stainless Steel alloy (17%Chromium+83%Iron)
Weight – Cupro-Nickel -- 9 grams
FSS – 6 grams
Shape – Circular
Diameter – 23 mm
Edge – Security
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of the "Lal Bahadur Shastri" with the inscription"Lalbahdur Shastri Janmasati" in Hindi on the left periphery and " LALBAHADURSHASTRI BIRTH CENTENARY" in English on the top and right periphery. ‘1904 – 2004’ is shown below the portrait.
Minted at – Kolkata, Hyderabad (only FSS)
Km No - (CN) - # 329, (FSS) - # 329a

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation.

The 1882 “Salt Act” gave the British a monopoly on the collection and manufacture of salt, limiting its handling to government salt depots and levying a salt tax. The “Salt Satyagraha” was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India, and it began with the “Dandi March” onMarch 12, 1930, and it was an important part of the Indian independence movement which triggered the wider “Civil Disobedience Movement”. This was the most significant organized challenge to British authority since the “Non-cooperation movement” of 1920-22, and directly followed the “Purna Swaraj” (complete independence) declaration of by the Indian National Congress on January 26, 1930.

"Mahatma Gandhi" led the Dandi march from “Sabarmati Ashram” near Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of “Dandi”. As he continued on this 24 day, 240 mile (390 km) march to produce salt without paying the tax, growing numbers of Indians joined him along the way. At the conclusion of the march onApril 6, 1930, when Gandhi broke the salt laws in Dandi, it sparked large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians. Over 80,000 Indians were jailed as a result of the Salt Satyagraha

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Dandi March, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 2nd October, 2005, for general circulation. Another coin was issued in the denomination of 100 rupees, as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2005
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of "Mahatma Gandhi marching with his followers" with inscription "Dandi Yatra Ke 75 Varsha" in Hindi on the left upper periphery and "75 YEARS OF DANDI MARCH" in English on the right upper periphery. ‘1930-2005’ – the span of 75 years, is shown below the central design.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - (CN) - # 325, (FSS) - # 325a

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation.

JAGATH GURU SREE NARAYANA GURUDEV, (1855 - 1928), was a great Saint, Philosopher, Social Reformer, Spiritual teacher and Poet of Kerala (India) who preached “Oru jati, oru matham, oru daivam manushyanu (meaning -- one caste, one religion, one God for humanity)”, He passed away on 20thSeptember,1928.

In commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Jagath Guru Sree Narayana Gurudev, India issued this 5 rupees coin in September, 2006, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2004
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of "Jagath Guru Sree Narayana Gurudev" flanked on the left upper periphery with the words "JAGATH GURU SREE NARAYANA GURUDEV" in Hindi and on the right upper periphery in English.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - (CN) - # 355, (FSS) - # 355a

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : i) This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation. Two separate dies were prepared to mint the CN and FSS coins. It also does not show the year of its issue.

ii) The FSS issue of this coin is also found with :
a) Both obverse and reverse minted with FSS die
b) Obverse minted with FSS die and reverse minted with CN die
c) Obverse minted with CN die and reverse minted with FSS die
d) Both obverse and reverse minted with CN die

Basaveshwara (also known as Guru Basavanna) was born in 1134 A.D. in the small town of Bagewadi of northern Karnataka. He was Prime Minister to king Bijjala who ruled from 1157 to 1167 over Kalyana. Basava was a philosopher, religious teacher and a social reformer. He fought against the caste system, strove hard to bring about reformation in Hinduism into which social evils had crept in and worked to establish a classless and casteless society. Guru Basavanna's path later gave birth to a new religion called Lingavanta Dharma. He took nirvana at Kudala Sangama, on 30.7.1196 A.D.

In commemoration of Basaveshwara, India issued this 5 rupees coin, on 23rd June, 2006, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2006
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of "MAHATMA BASAVESHWARA", with the inscription "MAHATMA BASAVESHWARA" in Hindi on the left upper periphery and in English on the right upper periphery. The words "Bhakti-Kayaka-Dashoha-Samata" in Hindi, is shown below the portrait.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - (CN) - # 324, (FSS) - # 324a

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro- Nickel and FSS for general circulation. It also does not show its year of its issue.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is a state-owned oil and gas company in India. It contributes 77% of India's crude oil production and 81% of India's natural gas production. It is the highest profit making corporation in India. It was set up as a commission on 14th August, 1956. ONGC is Asia's largest and most active company involved in exploration and production of oil. It produces about 30% ofIndia's crude oil requirement. ONGC Videsh is the international arm of ONGC and has made major investments in Vietnam, Sakhalin and Sudan.

In commemoration of Golden Jubilee of O.N.G.C., India issued this 5 rupees coin in 2006, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 50 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2006
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the number"50" in the centre which denotes golden jubilee celebration of "ONGC". The logo of "Oil and Natural Gas Corporation" is shown inside the number “0” of the number"50". On the top of the number "50" is the letters ‘OnGC' and just on the bottom of the number is the year "1956-2006"— the span of 50 years. The central design has some floral design on its left and right side. The words "CELEBRATING INDIA" in English is written on the top periphery and the words "Utshavrat Bharat" in Hindi is written on the bottom periphery, of the coin.
Minted at – Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - (FSS) - # 354

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS. The Cupro-Nickel coin was only issued in UNC and Proof sets and the FSS coin was issued for general circulation.

State Bank of India traces its ancestry, to the founding of the Bank of Calcutta, on 2nd June 1806. The Bank of Calcutta, was later renamed as the Bank of Bengal. On 27th January 1921, the three Presidency banks (Bank of Madras, Bank of Calcutta and Bank of Bombay) amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of India, The Government of India nationalized the Imperial Bank of India on 30th April 1955, and renamed it the State Bank of India. The State Bank Group has over 16,000 branches in India and131 overseas offices spread over 32 countries.
The logo of State Bank of India is a Circle (not a Key hole) and a small man at the centre of the Circle. Circle depicts perfection and the common man being the centre of the bank’s business.

In commemoration of the Bicentennial Year of the State Bank Of India., India issued this 5 rupees coin in 2006, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2006
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the logo of the "STATE BANK OF INDIA" in the centre flanked on the left side with the year "1806" and on the right side with the year "2006". The left and right upper periphery is flanked by some design works on leaves. The words "Bharatiya State Bank" in Hindi are written on the top of the coin above the logo and the words "STATE BANK OF INDIA" in English is written on the bottom side of the coin below the logo of State Bank of India.
Minted at – Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - (CN) - # 357, (FSS) - # 357a

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note :
i) This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS. The Cupro-Nickel coin was only issued in UNC and Proof sets and the FSS coin was issued for general circulation.
ii) The FSS issue of Kolkata mint is also found to be minted with both the obverse and reverse dies of the CN issue. Plz see its photo in the page - "THE MULE COINS OF INDIA".

India's First War of Independence, is also known as “The Indian Rebellion of 1857” began on 10 May 1857 in the town of Meerut when a group of native soldiers employed by the British East India Company's army, mutinied.

The general public were dissatisfied due to abolition of sati rites and the legalization of widow remarriage. Lakshmibai, The Rani of Jhansi, and some rulers of other kingdoms had lost their kingdom as a result of the “Doctrine of Lapse” and were very much dissatisfied. The sepoys were supplied with new cartridges, which allegedly were wrapped in paper greased with cow and pig fat and had to be bitten off by mouth. So they also became dissatisfied. These things led to the Rebellion.

Gradually the rebellion spread to other parts of central and northern India. The rebels captured cities likeMeerut, Kanpur, Lukhnow, Delhi etc and killed many Europeans. The leaders of this rebellion were Emperor Bahadur Shah II, Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, General Tatia Tope, Nana Saheb, Kunwar Singh etc. Bahadur Shah proclaimed himself the Emperor of the whole of India.

As there was no co-ordination between the different rebel groups, the army of the company were able to suppress the rebellion. Many mutineers were hanged to death, and some were "blown from cannon”. by the British . Rani Laxmibai bravely fought but died on the battle field. Tatia Tope was caught and executed. Nana Sahib disappeared near the end of the Rebellion and it is not known what happened to him. Bahadur Shah Zafar was captured and exiled to Rangoon where he died in 1862.

The rebellion led to the dissolution of the East India Company in 1858, and its ruling powers over Indiawere transferred to the British Crown.

In commemoration of the 150 Years of The First War Of Independence, India issued this 5 rupees coin on18th April, 2008, for general circulation. On this occasion another coin in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2007
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the combined portrait of General Tatia Tope on left side, Emperor Bahadur Shah II on the right side and at the centre the Warrior Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi in the battlefield, flanked on the left periphery with the words "Pratham Swatantrata Samgram" in Hindi and “THE FIRST WAR OF INDEPENDENCE" in English on the right periphery. The words “150 Varsha” in Hindi and "150 YEARS” in English appear just below the central design with the period “1857-2007” written at the bottom.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - (CN) - NA, (FSS) - # 359

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note :
i) This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation.
ii) The reverse of some FSS coins are reported to be minted using the CN die. Three sand bags are found on the reverse of the FSS die, where as four sand bags are found on the reverse of the CN die.

In commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 23rd July, 2007, for general circulation. After this coin was released, it was found that "Bal Gangadhar Tilakji" was written on the top, where “ji” is an honorific. Some leaders raised the issue, that “ji” should not have been used with Tilak on the coin, as “ji “ was not used on coins, issued even for Gandhi or Nehru. So, subsequently the minting of these coins was stopped. The coining die was modified and the ji was removed.

This coin is one of the rarest coins issued by the Republic of India. I have this coin in my collection. The mintage of this coin is assumed to be about 2000 to 4000. ************************************************************************************
Bal Gangadhar Tilak was born on 23rd July, 1856 in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. He was an Indian nationalist, teacher, journalist, social reformer and freedom fighter. He was the first popular leader of the IndianIndependence Movement and was conferred with the honorary title of “Lokmanya”, which literally means "Accepted by the people (as their leader)". The British colonial authorities called the great leader as "Father of the Indian unrest". In 1894, he transformed the household worshipping of Ganesha into “Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav” and also made “Shiva Jayanti” (birth anniversary celebrations of Chhatrapati Shivaji) as a social festival.

He was one of the first and strongest advocates of "Swaraj" (self-rule) in India. His famous quote, "Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it!", is well-remembered in India even today. Due to his political writings, he was imprisoned in the Mandalay Prison, Burma from 1908 to 1914. He was also one of the founders of the “All India Home Rule League” which sought self-rule for India. He passed away on 1st August, 1920.

In commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative modified coin, for general circulation. On his commemoration , another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2007
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, with the inscription ‘150 th BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF LOKAMANYA BAL GANGADHAR TILAK’ in English on the bottom half of the periphery and ‘Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak Ki 150 Wi Jayanti’ in Hindi on the top half of the periphery. “2007” – the year of issue is written in very small sized letters at the bottom periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - Tilak Ji (CN) - # 356, Tilak(CN) - # 328, (FSS) - # 328a

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation.

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is a statutory body formed by the Government ofIndia, under the Act of Parliament, 'Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act of 1956'. In April 1957, it took over the work of former All India Khadi and Village Industries Board. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission is a non-profit group that serves to promote the use of Khadi (a type of hand-woven cloth) inIndia. The group is government-run and serves to promote the use of Khadi and small-scale industries. The group also gives licenses to companies that wish to manufacture the Flag of India. Khadi Bhandar chain stores are managed as per the rules and guidelines by this organisation. These stores serve as outlets for products made by village industry. It is not restricted to sell Khadi only. They also sell matchsticks, incense sticks, decorative items made from wood and earth, honey, leather items etc.

In commemoration of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Indiaissued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 19th November, 2007, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 50 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2007
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of "Mahatma Gandhi" at the centre and a lady with acharkha and a village scence, flanked on the upper periphery with the words "Khadi Aur Gramodyoga Ayoga" and "50 Varsha" below it in Hindi and on the lower periphery "KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES COMMISSION" and "50 YEARS" above it in English. “2007” – the year of issue is written in very small sized letters at the bottom periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - (CN) - NA, (FSS) - # 360

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note : This coin was issued both in Cupro-Nickel and FSS for general circulation.

Saheed Bhagat singh was born on 21st September 1907 in a sikh family. Seeking revenge for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai at the hands of the police, Singh was involved in the assassination of British police officer John Saunders. He eluded efforts by the police to capture him. Together with Batukeshwar Dutt, he undertook a successful effort to throw two bombs and leaflets inside the Central Legislative Assembly while shouting slogans of Inquilab Zindabad. Subsequently they volunteered to surrender and be arrested. He was convicted and subsequently hanged to death on 23rd March 1931 for his participation in the murder.

To honour the sacrifices of this martyr, Government of India issued a commemorative coin of Rs 5, Another coin of Rs 100 denomination was also issued.

Year of issue – 2007
Metal composition – Ferritic Stainless Steel alloy (17%Chromium+83%Iron)
Weight – 6 grams
Shape – Circular
Diameter – 23 mm
Edge – Security
Obv – This face of the coin is divided into three portions with two horizontal lines. The left center portion shall bear the Lion Capitol of Ashoka Pillar with the legend “ Satyameva jayate " inscribed below it and the right center portion shall bear the denominational value "5" in International Numerals. In the upper portion there shall bear the words "Bharat " in Hindi and "INDIA" in English and in the lower portion, the words '' Rupaye '' in Hindi and "RUPEES" in English.
Rev -- This face of the coin bears the portrait of "SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGH", flanked on the left periphery with the words '' SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGH JANMA SATI'' in Hindi and on the right
periphery with the words"SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGH BIRTH CENTENERY" in English. The figures 1907-2007 shall be shown below the portrait in International Numerals.
Minted at – Hyderabad
Km No - # 406

Note : i) Though these 2 coins (5 rs and 100 rs) were minted by the Kolkata mint for release function, held at the martyr's village 'Khatkar Kalan' in 'Bhagat Singh Nagar' district in Punjab, in September 2008, no coin was released for general circulation. In 2012, the 5 rs coin was minted by Hyderabad mint and issued for general circulation.
ii) It is reported by some collectors that some of this 5 rs coin, was wrongly minted on Nickel-Brass blank. Please see the “Mint error coins of India” page to the photo of this OMS coin.

Alphonsa Mutthapadathu was born on August 19, 1910 in village Kudamaloor near Kottayam in Kerala. She had a difficult childhood plagued by poverty and illness. She fell into a pit of burning chaff and both here feet got deformed, leaving her handicapped. In 1936, she was miraculously cured by saint Therese of Lisieux. She taught at a school and there are a large number of miracles associated with her, many of which involved curing children having clubbed feet as she herself had been disabled by her feet for many years. In 1939 she had an attack of double-pnuemonia which left her weakened and she died in 1946 after a painful illness. In 1985, Pope John Paul II formally approved a miracle that was attributed to her and she received the title of Venerable Sister Alphonsa. One year later, she was beatified. Pope Benedict XVI authorized her canonization in 2007 and the process was completed after an year, meaning that Alphonsa is now the first woman and only the second saint from India after Saint Gonsalo Garcia.

In commemoration of the start of the Birth Centenary celebrations of Saint Alphonsa, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 23rd August, 2009, for general circulation.

Year of issue – 2009
Weight – 6 grams
Metal composition – Nickel Brass alloy ( 75% Copper + 20% Zinc + 5% Nickel )
Shape – Circular
Diameter – 23 mm
Edge – Milled (100 serrations)
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of "SAINT ALPHONSA" with a Rose flower on the bottom of her image. The inscription “Santa Alphonsa Janma Satavdi” in Hindi is shown on the left periphery and ‘SAINT ALPHONSA BIRTH CENTENARY’ in English on the right periphery with "1910-2009" – her year of birth and centenary start year below the Rose Flower.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - # 365

Conjeevaram Natarajan Annadurai, popularly called “Anna" (elder brother), or “Arignar Anna” (Anna the scholar), was born on 15th September, 1909 in Kanchipuram , Tamil Nadu. He was a very good orator, writer, journalist, teacher, actor and politician. He was the founder of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party, (DMK). Various protests against the then ruling Congress government took him to prison on several occasions. His party won a landslide victory in the 1967 state elections and he became the Chief Minister of Madras State. It was Annadurai's government that renamed the Madras State to Tamil Nadu. Another major achievement of his government was to introduce a two language policy over the then popular three language formula. He died of cancer on 3 February 1969

In commemoration of the Birth Centenary celebrations of “Perarignar Annadurai”, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 15th September, 2009, for general circulation.

Year of issue – 2009
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of “Perarignar Annadurai” with the inscription "Perarignar Anna Janmashati" in Hindi, on the left periphery and "PERARIGNAR ANNA CENTENARY" in English on the top and right periphery. His signature in Tamil appears below his image and "1909-1969"— his year of birth and death, below the signature.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - # 367

All other specifications are same as described above.

The “Commonwealth of Nations”, previously known as the “British Commonwealth”, is an intergovernmental organization of fifty-four independent member states. In April 1949, following the “London Declaration”, the word "British" was dropped from the title of the Commonwealth and Queen Elizabeth II became the Head of the Commonwealth. India joined The Commonwealth of Nations in 1950 after it became a Republic.

On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 3rd October, 2009, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2009
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of "PARLIAMENT OF INDIA' with the inscription "Rashtramandal Ke 60 Varsh" in Hindi, on the left periphery and "60 YEARS OF THE COMMONWEALTH" in English on the right periphery and Year "2009"— the year of issue, below the image of Parliament of India.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Km No - # 376

All other specifications are same as described above.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born on 3rd December, 1884 in the village Ziradei, then in the Saran district of Bihar. After his study Rajendra Prasad served in various educational institutions as a teacher. Later he practiced law. Afterwards, he left his law work and joined the Congress Party, playing a prominent role in the Indian Independence Movement. He was the President of Indian National Congress for two terms. He also served as the president of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the first constitution of the Republic, After India became an independent republic in 1950, he was elected as the first President of India and held this office from 1950 to 1962. He was awarded Bharat Ratna, the nation's highest civilian award in 1962. He passed away on 28th February, 1963

On the occasion of the 125th year of birth of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 28th February, 2010, his 47th death anniversary, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – Thereverse of this coin shows the image of Dr Rajendra Prasad, with the inscription “DR RAJENDRA PRASAD 125 BIRTH ANNIVERSARY” in English on the right half and “DR RAJENDRA PRASAD 125 Wi Jayanthi” in Hindi on the left half of the periphery. “1884-2009”- his year of birth and the year of 125 birth anniversary is shown below his image.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 392

All other specifications are same as described above.

Details are the same as that of the 2 rupees RESERVE BANK OF INDIA PLATINUM JUBILEE COMMEMORATION issue.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The same as that of the 2 rupees RESERVE BANK OF INDIA PLATINUM
Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - # 387

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note: For the first time in India, an odd denomination commemorative coin (Rs.75) was issued.

Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu), was born on 26th August, 1910 In Yugoslovia. She was a Catholic nun who came to India in 1929. In 1950, she founded the “Missionaries of Charity”, a philanthropic organization, based in Calcutta, India. For over 45 years she cared for the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying. For her humanitarian work she had received many awards like “Padma Shri” in 1962, “Jawaharlal Nehru Award” in 1969, “Bharat Ratna” in 1980, “Ramon Magsaysay Award”, the “Nobel Peace Prize”, in 1979. She died on 5th September, 1997. At the time of her death, Mother Teresa's “Missionaries of Charity” had over 4,000 sisters, and an associated brotherhood of 300 members, operating 610 missions in 123 countries of the world. Following her death she was “beatified” by “Pope John Paul II” and given the title “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta”.

In commemoration of the Birth Centenary celebrations of Mother Teresa, India issued this 5 rupees coin on28th August, 2010, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of ‘Mother Teresa’ in the centre, with the inscription “MOTHER TERESA” both in Hindi and English, on the top half periphery and ‘Janmashati’ in Hindi and ‘BIRTH CENTENARY’ in English on the bottom half periphery. “1910 - 2010” – her year of birth and the centenary year is shown below her image.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 381

All other specifications are same as described above.

Chidambaram Subramaniam is best known as the father of Green Revolution, after the success of his programme, which led to a record production of wheat in 1972. He was the man who ushered in an era of self-sufficiency in food production in India. He was also a freedom fighter, former state minister, formerUnion finance minister and governor of state. He was conferred the India’s highest civilian award, “Bharat Ratna” in 1998.

In commemoration of his birth centenary celebrations, India issued this 5 rupees coin on 28th August,2010,for general circulation. Another coin issued in his honour, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of ‘Chidambaram Subramaniam’ with the inscription ‘C. Subramaniam Janma Satabdi’ in Hindi on the left periphery and “C.SUBRAMANIAM BIRTHCENTENARY” in English on the right periphery. “1910 - 2010” – his year of birth and the centenary year, is shown below his image.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 377

All other specifications are same as described above.

The Brihadeeswarar Temple, , a marvel of South Indian temple architecture, was built in 1010 AD by Tamil King Raja Raja Chola in Thanjavur(Tamilnadu), It is 216 ft (66 m) high, so popularly known as the ‘Big Temple’. It has turned 1000 years in 2010

On the occasion of the celebration of the 1000 years of completion of BRIHADEESWARAR TEMPLE, Indiaissued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 26th September, 2010, for general circulation. I have heard (not confirmed) that on this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 1000 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of the temple in the background and an image of Raja Raja Chola I (who built the temple) in the fore ground, with the inscription ‘Brihadeeswarar Mandir Ke 1000 Varsha’ in Hindi, on the left periphery and ‘1000 YEARS OF BRIHADEESWARAR TEMPLE’ in English on the right periphery. The word ‘THANJAVUR’ in both English and Hindi is shown below the central image and ‘2010’ – the year of issue, below it.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 378

All other specifications are same as described above.

A Multi-sport event called the Commonwealth Games is held every four years. The “XIX Common Wealth Games” were held at New Delhi from 3rd October, 2010 to 14th October, 2010. India issued this 5 rupees coin on 3rd October, 2010 to commemorate this event. Out of the other 2 coins issued on the same occasion, the 2 rupees coin was issued for general circulation and the 100 rupees coins was issued as uncirculated / proof specimens.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the logo of “Common Wealth Games 2010” at the centre, with the words — ''XIX Commonwealth Games, 2010 - Delhi" in English on the right periphery and “19 Wan Rashtramandal Khel, Delhi 2010” in Hindi on the left upper periphery . Date of the event (3-14 October 2010) is also mentioned below the logo in international numerals and English.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 391

All other specifications are same as described above

The Income Tax Department was established in India in the year 1860. Income tax was first levied as a duty in the year 1860 and the authority to levy that duty came into force on July 24 of that year. Chanakya was a teacher to the First Mourya Emperor Chandragupta. In one of his famous quotes he told:

"Ideally Governments Should Collect Taxes Like A Honey Bees Which Sucks Just The Right Amount Of Honey From The Flower So That Both Can Survive"

This 5 rupees coin was issued in commemoration of completion of 150 years of Income Tax. The other coin issued in the denomination of 150 rupees is only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the portrait of "CHANAKYA AND LOTUS WITH HONEYBEE" in the centre, and just below the portrait of Chanakya the word "Chanakya" in Hindi, and the word "CHANAKYA" in English, flanked on the left periphery with the words letter and numbers “Ayakar - Bharat Nirman ke 150 Barsh ” in Hindi, on the right periphery flanked with the words and numbers "INCOME TAX-150 YEARS OF BUILDING INDIA" in English. Also in the lower periphery the year "1860-2010" written in international numeral.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 379

All other specifications are same as described above

Rabindranath Tagore was born in Kolkata on 7th May, 1861. He was a poet, dramatist, composer, artist and philosopher. In 1913, he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in literature, for his works the “Gitanjali”. India’s national anthem, “Janagana mana ….” was written by him. He founded the famous “Visva-Bharati” University. He passed away on 9th August, 1941.

On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 9th May, 2010, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 150 rupees, was issued as proof / uncirculated specimen.

Year of issue – 2010
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of “Rabindranath Tagore” with the inscription “Rabindranath Tagore 150 Wi Jayanthi” in Hindi on the left half and “RABINDRANATH TAGORE 150 BIRTH ANNIVERSARY” in English on the right half of the periphery. “1861-2011”— his year of birth and the end of the 150th Anniversary celebration year is shown below his image.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 393

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note: For the first time the highest denomination commemorative coin (Rs.150) was issued in India.

On 18th February, 1911 the first commercial Civil Aviation flight took place in India between Allahabad and Naini, a distance of 6 miles, when Henri Piquet carried 6500 mails on a Humber biplane. This is considered to be the world's first Airmail service and the beginning of Civil Aviation in India.
To commemorate 100 years of civil aviation, India has issued a 5 rupees coin on 17th October, 2011. The other coin issued in the denomination of 100 rupees is only issued as proof / uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 2011
Rev – The face of the coin shows the picture of an Aircraft and figure "100" with words "YEARS" in the Centre flanked by words "Bharatiya Nagara Bimanan Satabdi Barsh" in Hindi, on the upper periphery and "CIVIL AVIATION" followed by "INDIA" below the figure "100". The year "1911-2011" is shown at the bottom, in International Numerals.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 397

All other specifications are same as described above

2011 – “INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTENARY” COMMEMORATION:The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), is the top body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research. In 1911, the Government of India set up the Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) with the specific objective of sponsoring medical research in the country. It was renamed as the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1949.

Here research on control and management of communicable diseases, major non-communicable diseases (like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, blindness, diabetes and other metabolic disorders) and drug research are being done.

This 5 rupees coin was issued on 15th November, 2011 in commemoration of completion of 100 years of ICMR. The other coin issued in the denomination of 100 rupees is only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 2011
Rev – The face of the coin shows the logo of ICMR inside a circle and "Satabdi Varsh" in Devnagri and "CENTENARY YEAR" in English on the top and "1911 - 2011" on the bottom of this circle. The upper half of the periphery is flanked with the words "Bharatiya Ayurbignyan Anusandhana Parishada" in Devanagri and the lower half of the periphery is flanked with words "INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH" in ENGLISH.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 396

All other specifications are same as described above

CAG is the Apex body and Supreme Audit Institution of India, which audits the accounts of GOI and its affiliated organizations. It brought many famous scams and corruptions (Common Wealth Games, 2G spectrum etc.) to lime light.
On the event of 150th Anniversary of CAG, India has issued a 5 rupees commemorative coin on 16th Nov'2011. The other coin issued in the denomination of 150 rupees is only issued as proof / uncirculated specimens.

Year of issue – 2011
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of the logo of the CAG with “1860 – 1910” below it. The legend “COMPTROLLER & AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA” IN both Hindi and English appears around the periphery,
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 403

All other specifications are same as described above.

Kolkata mint was established 250 years back in 1757. In the year 1952, it was merely shifted to new premises at Alipore. The Alipore Mint was opened by the Honorable Finance Minister of Government ofIndia Shree C. D. Deshmukh on the 19 March 1952. The full operation for the coinage and preparation of medals, decorations and badges started in Alipore Mint from this date.

In commemoration of the establishment of the new mint at Alipore, Kolkata, this 5 rupees coin was issued on 31.03.2012, for general circulation. Another coin in the denomination of 60 rupees was also issued, which will only to be issued in UNC and Proof sets.

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse face of this coin shows the SPMCIL logo, profile of Mint Building & 1962-2012. This is flanked by words '60 Years of India Government Mint Kolkata' in English & Hindi.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note: This is the first Indian coin to carry an unusual face value of 60 Rupees.

After the declaration of the Constitution of India, India became a Republic. The first Parliamentary session was held on 13 May 1952 following the first general election

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of the “Parliament Building” in the center with the year “1952 – 2012” above it. The legend “60 YEARS OF THE PARLIAMENT OF INDIA” is flanked in both Hindi and English around the periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 404

All other specifications are same as described above.

Born to an affluent Kashmiri Brahmin family, Motilal Nehru has in many ways not only played a direct role in India's freedom struggle, but has also profoundly influenced the political landscape of the country through his progeny. He practised Law in Allhabad High court. He joined the Congress Party and twice served as its President. In 1928, Motilal chaired the famous Nehru Commission of the Congress to demand Dominion status to counter the all-British Simon Commission, that advocated only limited autonomy. His health began to fail between 1929-1931, a time when his glamorous son Jawaharlal entered politics and took over the Congress Presidency from him. He breathed his last on 6th Feb'1931.
In commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Motilal Nehru, this 5 rupees coin was issued on 05.09.2012, for general circulation. Another coin in the denomination of 150 rupees was also issued, which will only to be issued in UNC and Proof sets.

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse face of the coin bears the bust of 'Motilal Nehru' in the center, with inscription "Motilal Nehru ki 150 wi Jayanti" in Devnagri script on the upper periphery and "150TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF MOTILAL NEHRU" in English on the lower periphery. The year '2012' is inscribed below the picture of Motilal Nehru.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Kuka movement, India issued this 5 rupees commemorative coin on 5th October, 2012, for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 100 rupees, was issued for inclusion in proof / UNC sets.

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse face of the coin shows the combined portrait of Satguru Ram Singh Ji in the Centre,his followers hanged on the left side and on the right side standing in front of the mouth of canon, with inscription "Kuka Andolan ke150 Barsh" in Devnagri script on the outer left periphery and "150 YEARS OF KUKA MOVEMENT" in English on the outer right periphery. The inscription " Satguru Ram Singh Ji " in Devnagri script is shown above the portrait on the left inner periphery and "SATGURU RAM SINGH JI" in English is flanked on the right inner periphery. The year's figure "1857-2007" is shown below the portrait in International Numerals.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 409

All other specifications are same as described above.

Born into a conservative Brahmin family in 1861, Madan Mohan Malaviya, who was later honoured with the prefix "Mahamana" (meaning - Great Mind) was an important figure in the freedom movement. Malaviya made his mark through his editorship of newspapers such as the "Hindustan Times", "The Union" and "The Leader". He would also go on to obtain a Law degree to practise in Allahabad court besides acting as Congress President for four times between 1909-1932. In 1916, along with Annie Besant, Malaviya was instrumental in setting up Benaras Hindu University and served as its Vice Chancellor till 1939.
In commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Madan Mohan Malviya, this 5 rupees coin was issued on, for general circulation. Another coin in the denomination of 150 rupees was also issued, which will only to be issued in UNC and Proof sets.

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of Madan Mohan Malaviya, with ‘1861 – 2011’ shown below. The legend ‘15OTH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA’ is inscribed both in Hindi and English around the periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # 405

All other specifications are same as described above.

Note – The regular circulating coins of Mumbai mint issue are found with both ‘M’ and diamond mint marks.

Vaishno Devi Mandir is one of the holy Hindu temples dedicated to Shakti, located in the hills of Vaishno Devi, Jammu and Kashmir. Vaishno Devi, also known as Mata Rani and Vaishnavi, is a manifestation of the Mother Goddess.
The temple is near the town of Katra, in the Reasi district in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is one of the most revered places of worship in India. The shrine is at an altitude of 5300 feet and a distance of approximately 12 kilometres from Katra. Approximately 8 million pilgrims visit the temple every year.

This 5 rupees commemorative coin was released on 31st January 2013 for general circulation. On this occasion, another coin, in the denomination of 10 rupees, was also issued for general circulation.

Year of issue – 2012
Rev – The reverse face of this coin shows the picture of "MATA VAISHNO DEVI" in the centre, with inscription " Shri mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board" in Devnagri script on the upper periphery and "SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI SHRINE BOARD" in English on the lower periphery. The year "2012" is inscribed below the picture and words "SILVER JUBILEE" below the year. In her eight arms, she is holding a Sword, Trident, Chakra, Lotus, Mace, Conch Shell, Bow & Arrow etc and she is givingblessings with one hand.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

Swami Vivekananda was borne in 1863. He was the founder of Ramakrishna Mission. He was disciple of Ramkrishna Paramhansa. He introduced Vedanta & Yoga to western world. He attended the Parliament of World Religions which was held in Chicago in 1893 and gave his famous speech.
On the event of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, India has issued a 5 rupees commemorative coin on 12th January 2013. The other coin issued in the denomination of 150 rupees is only issued for inclusion in proof / UNC sets.

Year of issue – 2013
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of Swami Vivekananda in his famous standing posture (above waist). Both arms are crossed. He is in a robe with a turban. A whiff of curly hair can be seen below the turban. On the top half periphery, the legend ‘SWAMI VIVEKANANDA’ in both Hindi and English is shown. On the bottom half periphery, the legend ‘150 wi Jayanti’ in Hindi and ‘150 BIRTH ANNIVERSARY’ in English is shown. The year of his birth ‘1863’ appears to the right side and the year of his death ‘1902’ appears to the left side of his effigy.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Noida
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

Abul Kalam Muhiyuddin Ahmed Azad (11th November 1888 – 22nd February 1958) was an Indian scholar and a senior political leader of the Indian independence movement. He was one of the most prominent Muslim leaders, who opposed the partition of India. Following India's independence, he became the first Minister of Education in the Indian government. In 1992 he was posthumously awarded India's highest civilian award, the ‘Bharat Ratna’.
This 5 rupees commemorative coin was released on 11th November 2013, for circulation. The other coin issued in the denomination of 20 rupees is only issued for inclusion in proof / UNC sets.

Year of issue – 2013
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the bust of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in the center. Below Maulana's bust, the number ‘1888 – 1958’ is inscribed, showing his year of birth and death. The coin has inscription "125th Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad" in Hindi and English.
Minted at – Mumbai, Kolkata
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

This 5 rupees commemorative coin was released on 4th February 2014, for circulation. The other coin issued in the denomination of 20 rupees is only issued for inclusion in proof / UNC sets.

Year of issue – 2013
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of Achaya Tulsi in the center. Date ‘1914-2013’ is shown below his image. ‘Achaya Tulsi Janm Satabdi’ in Devnagri appears on top periphery and ‘ACHAYA TULSI BIRTH CENTENARY’ in English appears on the bottom periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai,
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

During early 20th Century, Canada had enacted some laws which prohibited immigration by Indians to Canada. To protest against this discriminatory immigration laws of Canada, Komagata Maru, a Japanese steamer, was chartered 100 years ago by some Indians to go to Canada.
On May 23, 1914, Komagata Maru, a Japanese steamer, carrying 376 passengers from Hong Kong, mostly being immigrants from Punjab, British India, arrived in Vancouver, Canada. It was denied docking by the Canadian authorities. Following a two months stalemate, the Ship was escorted out of the harbour by the Canadian Military and forced to sail back to India. The Komagata Maru arrived in Calcutta in September, 1914. The British Imperial Government saw the men on Komagata Maru as dangerous political agitators. The police went aboard the ship on 29th September, 1914 to arrest Baba Gurdit Singh and other leaders. The arrest was resisted by the passengers which led to police firing in which 19 passengers were killed. Baba Gurdit Singh escaped along with many others. The rest of the passengers were sent to Punjab.

As a tribute to the heroic struggle of Indian immigrants against discriminatory immigration laws of Canada in the early years of twentieth century, the Government of India has decided to commemorate the centenary of Komagata Maru incident on completion of 100 years after the incident by issuing a circulating 5 rs coin on -- 29.9.2014. Another 100 rs coin was also issued for inclusion in UNC/ Proof sets.

Year of issue – 2014
Rev – The reverse of this coin shows the image of KOMAGATA MARU in the center. Date ‘1914-2014’ is shown at right side of this image. ‘Komagata Maru Satabdi Smaranotschab’ in Devnagri appears on roght periphery and ‘KOMAGATA MARU INCIDENT CENTENARY COMMEMORATION’ in English appears on the left periphery.
Minted at – Mumbai,
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

Begum Akhtar also called Akhtar Bai Faizabadi (October 07, 1914 - October 30,1974) was a famous Indian singer of Ghazal, Dadra and Thumri. She received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for vocal music and was awarded Padam Shri and Padam Bhushan (Posthumously) by Government of India. She was given the title of Mallika-e-Ghazal (Queen of Ghazals).

Upon completion of centenary of birth of this versatile genius, the Government of India has decided to commemorate the occasion. A set of commemorative coins of Rs.5 and Rs.100 were issued on 7th October 2014.

(The photo of this coin will be uploaded when available.)

Year of issue – 2014
Rev –
Minted at –
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime minister of India from 1947 to 1964. To pay homage to the dynamic leader on the 125th Anniversary of his birth, a 5 rupee coin was issued on 14th November 2014 to commemorate the celebration. The other coins issued in the denomination of 125 rupees, were only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens.

(The photo of this coin will be uploaded when available.)

Year of issue – 2014
Rev – Reverse of this coin bears the portrait of JAWAHARLAL NEHRU in the center, with inscription in Devnagri script on upper periphery and on the lower periphery bears the inscription 125TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF JAWAHARLAL NEHRU in English and the year's figure "1889 - 2014" is written below the portrait in International numeral.

Minted at – Mumbai
Km No - # NA

All other specifications are same as described above.


To mark the 175th birth anniversary of the Founder of the Tata group, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, on 6thJanuary 2015, a set of 2 commemorative coins(Rs100,Rs5), were issued by the Government of India,
To mark the 175th birth Anniversary of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the Founder of the Tata group, a commemorative coin was issued in 5 rs denomination. The other coin issued on this occasion is a 100 rs coin.

(The photo of this coin will be uploaded when available.)

Year of issue – 2015
Rev – The Reverse face of the coins bear the image of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in the centre, with the inscription “175 wa Janma Divas” in Devnagri script on the left upper periphery, “175TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY” on the left lower periphery, “JAMSETJI NUSSERWANJI TATA” in Devnagri script on the right upper periphery, and “JAMSETJI NUSSERWANJI TATA” in English on the right lower periphery. The period “1839-2014″ is inscribed below the picture of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata.
Minted at –
Km No - # NA

On 7th January 2015, commemorative coins of Rs.50 and Rs.5 denomination have been issued by Govt. of India on the occasion of BHEL’s Golden Jubilee.

BHEL or Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited is a company primarily owned by GOI. It manufactures heavy duty equipment for power plants like turbines, turbo generators, transformers etc.

(The photo of this coin will be uploaded when available.)

Year of issue – 2015
Rev –
Minted at –
Km No - # NA


Rani Gaidinliu, who was born on 26th January, 1915 at the Nangkao village in Manipur, was a fearless Indian freedom fighter who joined the agitation at the age of 13 and headed the movement against the British in the Manipur and Naga belts. It was in 1932 at the age of 16 that Rani Gaidinliu was arrested and put behind bars for life. She could be freed from the jail only after India’s independence in 1947.The Government of India honored her with the prestigious Padma Bhushan in 1993.

On 24.8.15, India has issued a 5 rs coin to commemorate the anniversary. Another 100 rs coin was also issued to be included in proof / UNC sets.

On 15.9.15, India has issued a 5 rs coin to commemorate the victory in the 1965 war against Pakistan. Another 50 rs coin was also issued on this occasion.

Obverse: The Lion Capital of Ashoka Pillar in the center with the legend "Satyameva Jayate" inscribed below, flanked on the left periphery with the word"Bharat" in Devnagri script and on the right periphery with the word "INDIA" in English. It will also bear the Rupee symbol and denominational value "5" in the international numerals below the Lion Capital.

Reverse: The image of "Amar Jawan" monument along with the design of olive leaves branch on its left and right sides at the center, with the inscription"Virata aur Balidan" in Devnagri script on the left upper periphery and "VALOUR AND SACRIFICE" in English on the right upper periphery. The year "2015" is written below the image of the monument. The inscription "1965 Samarika abhiyan ki swarna jayanti" in Devnagri script on the upper periphery and "GOLDEN JUBILEE 1965 OPERATIONS" in English on the lower periphery will also be written on this face of the coin.

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